function createAllParams(string $id, string $token, string $secret, int $timestamp, string $identifier, string $type, array $parameters, string $actionId): string { // in alphabetical order $fields['accesstoken'] = $token; $fields['actionid'] = $actionId; $fields['identifier'] = $identifier; $fields['resourceid'] = $id; $fields['secret'] = $secret; $fields['timestamp'] = $timestamp; $fields['type'] = $type; // please use an ordered data structure (such as a linked list) here since ksort is not recursive. ksort($parameters); // PHP defaults of json_encode() are being used here $parametersBundled = json_encode($parameters); $fieldsBundled = implode(',', $fields); $allParams = $parametersBundled.','.$fieldsBundled; return $allParams; } function createHmac(string $secret, string $allParams): string { // PHP md5 without second parameter (as used here) does return // the hexadecimal representation __as lowercase string__, not binary! return md5($secret.md5($allParams)); } $token = '4a9c9t9c9d34dac46d'; $secret = '9348938afdef0293838475934875983475'; $timestamp = '1566393693'; // `date +%s` on shell $testParameters = [ 'testParam-string' => "teststring 你好 äöüß \" ' & \r\n", 'testParam-null' => null, 'testParam-float' => ".12387548574875847584593475", //floats have to be given as strings 'testParam-int' => 3, 'testParam-array-assoc' => [ 'key8' => 'firstEntry', 'key1' => 'lastEntry', ], 'testParam-array-numerical' => ['hello', 'world'], ]; echo "\$testParameters: \n
".var_export($testParameters, true)."\n\n"; // output: array ( 'testParam-string' => 'teststring 你好 äöüß " \' & ', 'testParam-null' => NULL, 'testParam-float' => 0.1238754857487584792874457662037457339465618133544921875, 'testParam-int' => 3, 'testParam-array-assoc' => array ( 'key8' => 'firstEntry', 'key1' => 'lastEntry', ), 'testParam-array-numerical' => array ( 0 => 'hello', 1 => 'world', ), ) echo "

"; $allParams = createAllParams('testID', $token, $secret, $timestamp, 'testIdentifier', 'testResourceType', $testParameters, 'testActionId'); echo "$allParams\n\n"; /* output (one line): {"testParam-array-assoc":{"key8":"firstEntry","key1":"lastEntry"},"testParam-array-numerical":["hello","world"],"testParam-float":0.12387548574876,"testParam-int":3,"testParam-null":null,"testParam-string":"teststring \u4f60\u597d <\/tag> \u00e4\u00f6\u00fc\u00df \" ' & \r\n"},4a9c9t9c9d34dac46d,testActionId,testIdentifier,testID,9348938afdef0293838475934875983475,1566393693,testResourceType */ echo "

HMAC:\n"; echo createHmac($secret, $allParams)."\n"; // output: bacf778f99c99a3e78745ad72373e337