API release news 05/24

MAY 2024

New API call “Get email info”:

A new API call “Get email info” has been created, which reads out all property and address links in an email.

This call replaces “Get email links“, which can only read 1 address link per email.

Email info

New parameter “addressIds” in API call “Do Email links”:

The new parameter addressIds in the API call “Do Email links” can be used to transfer an array of addresses that are to be linked to the email. The parameter can be used instead of addressid, which can only be used to link 1 address.

Do Email links

New parameter “useDefaultMailAccount” in API call “Send Appointment confirmation”:

The new parameter useDefaultMailAccount can be used to set whether the sender mail address from the user settings should be used for sending.

Send Appointment confirmation

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