Send Appointment confirmation

Resource type: appointmentAffirmation

With this API call you can send an appointment confirmation. You pass the appointment ID as a parameter.

You can find more information about appointment confirmation here.

The user setting “No appointment confirmation to creator” at “Extras >> Settings >> User >> Settings” is respected by the API.

The API uses the currently “active” or selected mailbox of the logged-in user as the sender mail address if parameter useDefaultMailAccount is false.


  • calendarId
    MANDATORY. INTEGER. Appointment ID.
  • useDefaultMailAccount
    BOOLEAN. Default: false. If true, the mailbox selected in the user settings under “Extras >> Settings >> User >> Email >> Default sender email address” (Extras >> Einstellungen >> Benutzer >> E-Mail >> Standard Sender-E-Mail-Adresse) is used for sending. In addition to the active mailbox, all other mailboxes available to the user can be selected. If false, the API uses the currently “active” or selected mailbox of the logged-in user.
	"actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:do",
	"resourceid": "",
	"identifier": "",
	"resourcetype": "appointmentAffirmation",
	"parameters": {
		"calendarId": 354