
Resource type: calendar

With this API call an appointment can be created. The default values for the appointment follow-up on the tab “Tools >> Settings >> Basic settings >> Automatization” for the appointment type are taken into account.


  • data
    OBJECT. The following information can be set when creating an appointment:

    • description: STRING. Appointment description
    • start_dt: STRING. Start of the appointment. MANDATORY.
    • end_dt: STRING. End of the appointment. MANDATORY.
    • art: STRING. Type of appointment
    • ganztags: BOOL. All-day appointment?
    • allowTransitTime: BOOL. Enter transit time?
    • transitTime: STRING. Transit time. Time format: e.g. 00:30:00
    • transitTimePre: STRING. Transit time before the appointment. Time format: e.g. 00:30:00.
    • transitTimePost: STRING. Transit time after the appointment. Time format: e.g. 00:30:00.
    • note: STRING. Notes on the appointment
    • abgesagt: BOOL. Sets appointment status on active or cancelled. Default: false
    • status: STRING. Appointment status (Terminstatus). Possible values: active, completed, canceled, participantsAvailable. Overwrites the value abgesagt if both are specified in the same call.
    • private: BOOL. Private appointment?
    • erinnerung: STRING. Time of the appointment reminder before the appointment. Possible values are: 0 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, 12 hours, 15 hours, 1 days, 2 days, 3 days, 1 weeks, 3 weeks
    • origin: BOOL. Appointment imported via ICS?
    • ressources: ARRAY. Ressources of the appointment. All existing ressources are replaced with the given array. The values can be read out under “Extras >> Settings >> Administration >> Singleselect >> Modul: Calendar management, Field: ressources”
    • von: STRING. The user to be entered as the appointment creator at field “von” (creator). The username can be queried via Get users.
    • rp_flag: BOOLEAN. Set to TRUE, if the appointment is recurring.
    • rp_type: STRING. Repetition pattern: t for daily, w for weekly, m for monthly, j for yearly.
    • rp_tage: INTEGER. Repetition value: Between 1 and 999.
    • rp_beginn_datum: STRING. Start date with format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • rp_ende_datum: STRING. End date with format YYYY-MM-DD.
    • rp_ende_status: INTEGER. End status of series. Set to 1, if end date is set. Set to 2, if series is open ended.
    • rp_exception: STRING. Exception date for series with a preceded #. One exception #2024-05-28. Multiple exceptions: #2024-05-26#2024-05-28#2024-05-30
  • relatedAddressIds
    ARRAY. Address IDs to be linked with the appointment.
  • relatedEstateId
    INTEGER. Estate ID to be linked with the appointment.
  • location
    OBJECT. Place of appointment (see below).
  • subscribers
    OBJECT. Participants. Can be users (users) or groups (groups).
  • reminderTypes
    ARRAY. Type of appointment reminder. Can accept the values email, popup or sms. For this purpose, the field erinnerung must also be set to a time with the parameter data.


        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:create",
        "resourceid": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "resourcetype": "calendar",
        "parameters": {
            "data": {
                "description": "Besichtigungstermin",
                "start_dt": "2020-08-01 17:45:00",
                "end_dt": "2020-08-01 18:00:00",
                "art": "Besichtigung",
                "ganztags": false,
                "note": "Das ist eine Notiz",
                "private": false,
                "ressources": ["Konferenzraum", "Firmenfahrzeug"]
            "relatedAddressIds": [
            "relatedEstateId": 608,
            "location": {
                "estate": 608
            "subscribers": {
                "users": [
                "groups": [

and the options for the appointment location are

  • address: STRING
  • estate: STRING
  • user: STRING
  • group:STRING
  • mandant: STRING. Customer / company
  • sonstiges:STRING. Other
  • customVideoUrl: STRING. Video conference
  • userMeetingUrl: INTEGER. Video conference from user / meeting link from user basic data. Value: user id
  • keine Angaben: STRING. Not specified

If you set the location of an user, group, address or estate that is not linked to the appointment, the location will be entered under sonstiges (other).

  "location" : { "address" : "5431"}

  "location" : { "estate" : "39"}

  "location" : { "user" : "21"}

  "location" : { "group" : "39"}

  "location" : { "mandant" : true}

  "location" : { "sonstiges" : "Testr.1, 52062 Aachen"}

  "location" : { "customVideoUrl" : ""}

  "location" : { "userMeetingUrl" : 17}

  "location" : {"keine Angaben": ""}


                "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:create",
                "resourceid": "",
                "resourcetype": "calendar",
                "cacheable": false,
                "identifier": "",
                "data": {
                    "meta": {
                        "cntabsolute": null
                    "records": [
                            "id": 2779,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": []
                "status": {
                    "errorcode": 0,
                    "message": "OK"