Read Appointments

Resource type: calendar

Appointments can be read out with this API call. Reads the database fields from appointment records.

If you specify the resource ID of the appointment, the data of the appointment is returned.

If no resource ID is specified, the data of the appointments of a specific period can be requested via the parameters datestart and dateend. It will return the appointments of the logged-in user and his groups, when the parameters users and groups aren’t specified.

NOTE: The participants in the appointment are taken into account when using the parameters users or groups, but not the appointment creator (von) himself if he is not a participant in the appointment. With the parameter filter with value von you can read out all appointments created by a user.

The user rights on appointments set in enterprise are respected. When queried by ID, more information is returned in the response.

The maximum number of appointments that can be queried at one time is 500. To avoid this restriction, please query smaller periods of time in which there are less than 500 appointments.


  • datestart
    STRING. Start date of the time interval for the requested appointments, the time part is ignored. All participants in the appointment are taken into account, but not the appointment creator himself if he is not a participant in the appointment. With the parameter filter with value von you can read out all appointments created by a user.
  • dateend
    STRING. End date of the time interval for the requested appointments, the time part is ignored. All participants in the appointment are taken into account, but not the appointment creator himself if he is not a participant in the appointment. With the parameter filter with value von you can read out all appointments created by a user.
  • modifiedstart
    STRING. Earliest date of last edit for requested appointments. Can be used alone or in combination with modifiedend. Will be ignored if used together with datestart and dateend.The response parameter for the time stamp modified is stored internally in UTC in enterprise, i.e. independent of the local time. You should convert your local time to UTC when querying modifiedstart and modifiedend and then perform the request with UTC time if you refer to the value of modified. There are conversion options for this in PHP and other programming languages.
  • modifiedend
    STRING. Latest date of last edit for requested appointments. Can be used alone or in combination with modifiedstart. Will be ignored if used together with datestart and dateend.
  • showcancelled
    BOOLEAN. Default: false. Flag if cancelled appointments should be requested.
  • showConfirmationStatus
    BOOLEAN. Default: false. If true, the overall confirmation status of the appointment is listed as response parameter confirmationStatus. Also outputs the response parameter addresses, which lists all addresses with ID and their appointment confirmation statuses.
  • users
    ARRAY. User IDs. Specify here the appointments of which users you want to read out. Works only in combination with the parameters datestart and dateend.
  • groups
    ARRAY. Group IDs. Specify here the appointments of which groups you want to read out. Works only in combination with the parameters datestart and dateend.
  • allusers
    BOOLEAN. Flag for reading out all data. If set on true, the parameters users and groups will be ignored. Default: false.
    If you want to read out appointments that do not have a user linked, you must also set allusers to true.
  • filter
    OBJECT. Key: field, value: array of objects with filter expressions in the format "art": [{"op": "=", "val": "Besichtigung"}]. With op you specify the operator. Possible values for op are the following SQL operators:

    is or =, >, <, >=, <=, != or <>, between, like, not like, in, not in

    For the operator like the value % can be specified as a placeholder.

    With val you specify the value which should be applied to the filtering. The individual filter expressions are linked with the AND operation.

    Multiple values for operators like IN are specified in comma separated array notation.
    "art": [{"op": "IN","val": ["Besichtigung","Notartermin"]}],

    The filter works for the fields start_dt (Starting on), end_dt (Ends on), rp_flag (Flag for serial appointment), description (Subject), von (Creator), erledigt (Done), note (Notes), art (Type of appointment).

    The values for appointment type can be looked up under “Extras >> Settings >> Administration >> Input Fields, Module: Calender management”.
    See also the example below.


  • (individually)
  • ressources. German labels of the resources of the appointment.
  • ressourcesWithKeys. Keys (column field in the administration) and translated labels (column content in the administration) of the resources of the appointment.
  • users. ARRAY of OBJECTS. The users who have been explicitly added to an appointment. If the user is a participant in the appointment via his group, he is listed under user_ids. The following data of the user are output: id, username, firstName, lastName, email.
  • user_ids. ARRAY. IDs of all participants of the appointment, regardless of whether they were explicitly added to the appointment as a user or via their group.
  • addresses. Is only output if request parameter showConfirmationStatus is set to true. Lists all addresses with ID and their appointment confirmation statuses. Possible values: canceled, confirmed, sent, not-set.
  • confirmationStatus. Is only output if request parameter showConfirmationStatus is set to true. Shows the overall confirmation status of the appointment. Depends on the status of the appointment confirmations of the addresses. Possible values: canceled, confirmed, confirmed and canceled, not-set, sent.
  • status. Appointment status (Terminstatus). Possible values: active, completed, canceled, participantsAvailable.
  • hints. OBJECT. Hints will only be output if exactly one individual appointment is queried (i.e. resourceid is specified). Returns information on the different overlaps for users, resources, addresses and properties (Terminüberschneidungen). The IDs of the affected data records are returned for the various overlaps. Please note: No hints are issued for serial appointments and private appointments.
Example: Read appointment by resource ID
        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
        "resourceid": "407",
        "identifier": "",
        "resourcetype": "calendar",
        "parameters": []
Response example: Read appointment by resource ID
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "errorcode": 0,
        "message": "OK"
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
                "resourceid": "407",
                "resourcetype": "calendar",
                "cacheable": true,
                "identifier": "",
                "data": {
                    "meta": {
                        "cntabsolute": 1
                    "records": [
                            "id": 407,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2023-10-22 13:30:00",
                                "end_dt": "2023-10-22 14:00:00",
                                "description": "Kundenbesuch",
                                "note": "Notiz",
                                "ort": "Beisenweg, 54646 , Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Besuch des Kunden im Beratungsb\u00fcro": "Besuch des Kunden im Beratungsb\u00fcro"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (A)",
                                    "Tester, onOffice (B)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "A": "",
                                    "B": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": {
                                    "Konferenzraum": "Konferenzraum"
                                "erinnerung": "15 minutes",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "status": "active",
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "assignedobjectids": [],
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 09:54:57",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "A",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                                        "id": "55",
                                        "username": "B",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                                "hints": {
                                  "conflictedUsers": [
                                      "id": 19
                                  "conflictedResources": [],
                                  "conflictedAddresses": [],
                                  "conflictedEstates": []
                "status": {
                    "errorcode": 0,
                    "message": "OK"
Example: Reading out the appointments of a period
        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
        "resourceid": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "resourcetype": "calendar",
        "parameters": {
            "datestart": "2021-01-01 01:00:00",
            "dateend": "2021-02-03 01:00:00",
            "filter": {
                "art": [
                        "op": "IN",
                        "val": [
            "showcancelled": true,
            "showConfirmationStatus": true,
            "users": [
Response: Reading out the appointments of a period
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "errorcode": 0,
        "message": "OK"
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
                "resourceid": "",
                "resourcetype": "calendar",
                "cacheable": true,
                "identifier": "",
                "data": {
                    "meta": {
                        "cntabsolute": 2
                    "records": [
                            "id": 439,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2021-02-01 11:00:00",
                                "end_dt": "2021-02-01 11:30:00",
                                "description": "Besichtung",
                                "note": "Notiz",
                                "ort": "Charlottenburger Allee 200, 52064 Aachen, Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Besichtigung": "Besichtigung"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (aaaaaaaaaaaa)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "aaaaaaaaaaaa": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [],
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": [],
                                "erinnerung": "",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "status": "active",
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "confirmationStatus": "not-set",
                                "addresses": [
                                        "id": 195,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "not-set"
                                "assignedobjectids": [
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 10:12:16",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                            "id": 441,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2021-02-01 13:00:00",
                                "end_dt": "2021-02-01 13:30:00",
                                "description": "Vertragsabschluss",
                                "note": "",
                                "ort": ", Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Notartermin": "Notartermin"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (aaaaaaaaaaaa)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "aaaaaaaaaaaa": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [],
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": [],
                                "erinnerung": "",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "confirmationStatus": "not-set",
                                "addresses": [
                                        "id": 305,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "not-set"
                                "assignedobjectids": [],
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 10:13:21",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                "status": {
                    "errorcode": 0,
                    "message": "OK"
Example: Reading out appointments edited in a period
        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
        "resourceid": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "resourcetype": "calendar",
        "parameters": {
            "modifiedstart": "2023-10-18 13:45:54",
            "modifiedend": "2023-10-19 17:45:00",
            "showcancelled": true,
            "showConfirmationStatus": true,
            "users": [
Response: Reading out appointments edited in a period
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "errorcode": 0,
        "message": "OK"
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:read",
                "resourceid": "",
                "resourcetype": "calendar",
                "cacheable": true,
                "identifier": "",
                "data": {
                    "meta": {
                        "cntabsolute": 3
                    "records": [
                            "id": 439,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2021-02-01 11:00:00",
                                "end_dt": "2021-02-01 11:30:00",
                                "description": "Besichtung",
                                "note": "Notiz",
                                "ort": "Charlottenburger Allee 200, 52064 Aachen, Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Besichtigung": "Besichtigung"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (aaaaaaaaaaaa)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "aaaaaaaaaaaa": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [],
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": [],
                                "erinnerung": "",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "status": "active",
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "confirmationStatus": "not-set",
                                "addresses": [
                                        "id": 195,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "not-set"
                                "assignedobjectids": [
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 10:12:16",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                            "id": 441,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2021-02-01 13:30:00",
                                "end_dt": "2021-02-01 14:00:00",
                                "description": "Vertragsabschluss",
                                "note": "",
                                "ort": ", Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Notartermin": "Notartermin"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (aaaaaaaaaaaa)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "aaaaaaaaaaaa": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [],
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": [],
                                "erinnerung": "",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "status": "active",
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "confirmationStatus": "not-set",
                                "addresses": [
                                        "id": 305,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "not-set"
                                "assignedobjectids": [],
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 10:21:34",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                            "id": 407,
                            "type": "calendar",
                            "elements": {
                                "start_dt": "2023-10-22 13:30:00",
                                "end_dt": "2023-10-22 14:00:00",
                                "description": "Kundenbesuch",
                                "note": "Notiz",
                                "ort": "Beisenweg, 54646 , Deutschland",
                                "art": {
                                    "Besuch des Kunden im Beratungsb\u00fcro": "Besuch des Kunden im Beratungsb\u00fcro"
                                "fuer": [
                                    "Tester, onOffice (aaaaaaaaaaaa)",
                                    "Tester, onOffice (BBBB)"
                                "groups": [],
                                "emails": {
                                    "aaaaaaaaaaaa": "",
                                    "BBBB": ""
                                "user_ids": [
                                "ressources": [
                                "ressourcesWithKeys": {
                                    "Konferenzraum": "Konferenzraum"
                                "erinnerung": "15 minutes",
                                "ganztags": false,
                                "rp_flag": false,
                                "abgesagt": false,
                                "status": "completed",
                                "assignedaddressids": [
                                "confirmationStatus": "sent",
                                "addresses": [
                                        "id": 4499,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "sent"
                                        "id": 199,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "canceled"
                                        "id": 261,
                                        "confirmationStatus": "confirmed"
                                "assignedobjectids": [],
                                "rp_type": "",
                                "rp_tage": 0,
                                "rp_beginn_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_datum": "0000-00-00",
                                "rp_ende_status": "0",
                                "allowTransitTime": false,
                                "transitTime": null,
                                "transitTimePre": "00:00:00",
                                "transitTimePost": "00:00:00",
                                "rp_exception": [],
                                "ProjektNr": null,
                                "von": "robert",
                                "private": "0",
                                "modified": "2023-10-19 09:54:57",
                                "users": [
                                        "id": "53",
                                        "username": "aaaaaaaaaaaa",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                                        "id": "55",
                                        "username": "BBBB",
                                        "firstName": "onOffice",
                                        "lastName": "Tester",
                                        "email": ""
                "status": {
                    "errorcode": 0,
                    "message": "OK"