Address completion fields

Resource type : addressCompletionFields

With this API call all fields can be queried, which are marked / selected for address completion.


  • (none)

Request example

        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:get",
        "resourceid": "",
        "identifier": "",
        "resourcetype": "addressCompletionFields",
        "parameters": []


  • name
    Name of the category
  • fields
    Array of JSON objects. List of fields in a category.

    • id
      Unique field key
    • name
      Name of field
    • type
      Type of field (Data type, singleselect, multiselect)
    • values
      OPTIONAL. Only for type singleselect and multiselect. JSON object with individual key-value pairs.
    • default
      OPTIONAL. Only for type singleselect and multiselect. Default value of the singleselect or multiselect values.


elements: {
	name: "Verwaltung",
	fields: [
		id: "ArtDaten",
		name: "Kontaktart",
		type: "multiselect",
		values: {
			indMulti5509Select5509: "Objektesammler",
			indMulti5507Select5507: "Mensch",