
If you use the SDK, you can use the method getErrors() from the class onOfficeSDK.php to get the error messages.

If an error occurs while processing an onOffice API request, the onOffice API response changes as follows:

  • Status code has value …
    • 200: The request was successful.
    • 400 „not authenticated“:
      • Request was made without a valid token.
      • User authentication is not valid.
    • 500 „server error“:
      • General error when preparing or processing the request.

You can find more information on the status code here.

  • Attribute „errorcode“ contains the numerical error code.
    • Error “97” indicates an error in the processing of the action.
    • Other errors indicate invalid JSON, an invalid request structure or other error states.
  • Attribute „message“ contains an error message with the specific cause of the error.