Resource type: sendaddresscompletion
Send a link to invoke the address completion via e-mail. The receiver is determined by the address parameter. An email address can be assigned to the API user via the basic settings, tab “E-Mail”.
MANDATORY. Target record and receiver of the mail.mode
MANDATORY. Mode of address completion. Allowed values:
– Address completion of the address data record
– Address completion of the address data record + search criteriaemailidentity
Email identity. If the parameter “emailidentity” is omitted, the “standard sending email address” must be explicitly set to an email address for the API user in the user settings, tab “E-Mail”.
Example: Send address completion
{ "actionid":"urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:do", "resourceid":"", "identifier":"", "resourcetype":"sendaddresscompletion", "parameters": { "addressId":160, "mode":"modus1", "emailidentity":"" } }