Modify Estate Files

Resource type: file

With this API call you can modify the meta data for property files.

By specifying the file ID (fileId), file information such as filename, free text, type of file, file title can be changed.

A title image (Titelbild) can only be present once per property.
If the parameter Art for a file is set to Titelbild, then the old title image gets the file type Foto.


  • relationtype
    MANDATORY. STRING. Module of the file. Possible value: estate.
  • parentid
    MANDATORY. INTEGER. ID of the property record whose files you want to change.
  • fileId
    MANDATORY. INTEGER. File ID of the file to be modified.
  • language
    STRING. Language.
  • Art
    STRING. Type of file. Possible values: Foto, Grundriss, Lageplan, Titelbild, LOGO, Expose, Aushang, Mietaufstellung, Dokument, Foto_gross, Link, Panorama, Banner, Stadtplan, Film-Link, QR-Code, Energieausweis, Epass_Skala, Ogulo-Link, Objekt-Link, Anzeigen, Finanzierungsbeispiel. The type Dokument will be located in “category”: “internal”, the other types in “category”: “external”.
  • title
    STRING. File title.
  • freetext
    STRING. Free text
  • documentAttribute
    STRING. Document attribute (Dokumentenmerkmal).

Example: Modify a file

        "actionid": "urn:onoffice-de-ns:smart:2.5:smartml:action:modify",
        "resourceid": null,
        "resourcetype": "fileRelation",
        "identifier": "x",
        "parameters": {
            "relationtype": "estate",
            "parentid": 1685,
            "fileId": 2983,
            "Art": "Foto",
            "freetext": "Freitext",
            "title": "Titel"

If successful, the response will be success.