
API release news 03/24

MARCH 2024

Do File Upload: new parameter applyWaterMark

Uploading images to a property via the onOffice API now also supports watermarks. Previously, images that were uploaded to the software from outside were not automatically watermarked.
This behavior has been adjusted. For this purpose, the “File upload” call contains the new parameter applyWaterMark, which can be used to control whether the configured watermark from enterprise is set.

File upload

API release news 12/23


Read search criteria: new response parameter “characteristic”

Search criteria

The onOffice API can now read out the characteristics of search criteria, e.g. whether they were created manually or automatically. For this purpose, the response of the API call “get search criteria” has been supplemented by the item “characteristic”.

Read addresses: onOffice API error message if filter is missing


Previously, all addresses were exported unfiltered by the onOffice API because the API user did not have access to the “filterid” parameter. From now on, the system therefore displays the API error message “the requested filterid %s is unknown” and does not execute the call.

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